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Spore Patch 4 (v 1.04) available now

Posted by ballightning on June 23, 2009

UPDATE 2: Maxis: What to do before installing the spore patch 1.04

UPDATE 1: Hold on with downloading that Patch…

Maxis has a new patch for Spore users, fresh off the presses.  But before you go on and download it, please be warned that SporePrograms has reported that there are quite a few number of people who are getting a runtime error after they install the patch, thus leaving them to re-install their games. Here is the info on the patch:

To get the patch, simply launch Spore. PC players will need to have EADM installed.

If you didn’t install the EADM when you installed Spore, you can download it here. This patch is available for PC. Mac users should check back soon for a patch.

  • Buildings have high quality textures in the game like they do in the Editor, if display settings are on High.
  • Fixes occasional corrupted backgrounds on Sporepedia Cards.
  • Includes ongoing improvements in animation to be more responsive to weapons placed anywhere on a Creature’s body.
  • Increases the number of “charges” of Space Tools Player can purchase in a single transaction.
  • Increases the range and damage for turrets defending against enemy spacecraft
  • Enables Player to reach all Grox worlds
  • Fixes a bug with the Terraform Tutorial Mission not being complete-able for all planet T-Scores by giving four basic tools to change score in any direction.
  • Improves general performance across the entire game
  • Improved searching in Sporepedia
  • Allows download of creations from website directly to game
  • YouTube movies publish as private

3 Responses to “Spore Patch 4 (v 1.04) available now”

  1. benjabby said

    the only thing i really care about is the first one

  2. stumpy said

    What do they mean charges of space tools?

  3. necross90 said

    means you can buy a larger number of a given item in space stage i.e. planet buster

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