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Archive for the ‘Spore Patches’ Category

Spore Patch: 1.5/1.5.1 for mac

Posted by ballightning on September 10, 2009

Well the Spore Patch 1.5/1.5.1 has finally been released for the mac! If you can’t remember what was in the last patch, here are the details below:

Fixed issues:

  • Object orientation near water or lava can appear incorrectly when Playing or Testing an Adventure.
  • Fixes a crash in the Building Creator when holding Ctrl or Shift and moving a part.

Spore Patch 5

Spore Improvements:

  • Asymmetry is now available for creatures! Details on new Asymmetry features for Creatures and Vehicles can be found here.
  • This patch fixes several crashes in Space Game.
  • Many tuning improvements to Space Game, including reduced disaster rates at all levels of difficulty, adjustments to Hard Mode, increased limits on concurrent trade routes, as well as changes to tool unlocks for the Knights.
  • Creator Lineage appears correctly for all creation types shared after this patch is installed.
  • Cheat is included that permits Creators to export creatures in Collada format for use in Maya. Creators must acknowledge and accept a Tools EULA to perform this operation. An additional cheat has been provided to enable highest quality textures to appear on vehicles, where it is supported by user hardware.
  • Fixed a problem where creations would go missing if a user quits the game in any way while downloads are in progress.
  • Fixed a bug where achievements were disappearing.
  • Fixed a bug where some Sporepedia cards had corrupted backgrounds.
  • Fixed a problem in Space where some Grox planets were unreachable.
  • YouTube movies now publish as public

Galactic Adventures Improvements:

  • This patch must be installed again after installing Galactic Adventures, even if you have installed this patch previously.
  • You can now place the avatar, NPCs, and handheld objects on top of air, land, and sea vehicles in the Adventure Creator. Get more info here.
  • Improvements are made to the Adventure Creator, including right-click camera behavior, and User Interface enhancements.
  • In EP1 open gates were not working correctly when they were disguised
  • Some customer-reported crashes in Galactic Adventures have been fixed.

Posted in Spore Patches | Tagged: , , , | 5 Comments »

Spore Patch 1.05.1

Posted by ballightning on July 29, 2009

Maxis have quickly released a patch to address some of the serious issues with patch 1.5. More info.

Patch 5.1 has been released to correct two major issues that were introduced with patch 5.

• Object orientation near water or lava can appear incorrectly when Playing or Testing an Adventure.
• Fixes a crash in the Building Creator when holding CTRL or Shift and moving a part.

Get the patch notes here

Patch 5.1 FAQ

Q: Buildings or gameplay objects in my adventure were rotated off axis with patch 5. I haven’t edited the adventure since installing patch 5. Will my adventure now be fixed?
A: Yes.

Q: Buildings or gameplay objects in my adventure were rotated off axis with patch 5. I tried to fix it after patching and the latest version of my adventure was saved after installing patch 5. What does this mean for my adventure?
A: Any version you saved after installing patch 5 will may now have incorrectly oriented buildings/objects near water. To correct the issue, open your adventure in edit mode after installing patch 5.1 and fix the angle of these objects.

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Patch 1.05 Troubleshooting

Posted by ballightning on July 23, 2009

SporeMasterKalien has been helping people over at the official forums about there problems with GA, and has compiled a list of all the fixes.

Direct Download link for Patch 1.05 (Temporary)

This thread will focus on Patch 1.05 troubleshooting. Please only post about Patch 1.05 here. For Patch 1.04 post here: http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/31242.page For Patch 1.02 or 1.03 please post here: http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/9026.page

I have a Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error run time error when trying to launch Spore after installing this patch. What can I do?
Delete or rename your preferences.prop and login.prop files in your Application Data folder, then try launching the game again. Click here to find out how to get to your preferences folder and for more detail http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/31720.page#987420

Bad_Data appearing for new Planets and Star Systems after patching
Please refer to this thread: http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/31841.page#992430

Updating Content Database Screen Appears Frozen, no Spinning Logo
This screen may take several minutes or more to process depending on your computer. Please do not use ctrl-alt-del to end the Spore game while this process is running, just allow it to run for as long as it may take. This is a one time process and will not happen when you launch Spore the next time if it is allowed to complete.

How can I download the patch using EA Download Manager EADM?
The EADM client is needed to download and install the patch, however you won’t see the patch listed within EADM’s menu. Instead, simply have EADM installed on your computer and launch Spore. Spore automatically launches EADM and while both are running the game will ask if you want to proceed with downloading and installing the patch. If you don’t have EADM currently you can download it fromhttp://www.spore.com/patch

My EA Download Manager is installed and yet I have not been prompted to patch to 1.05
Check to ensure your Firewall is not preventing EADM from functioning. Turning it off for a short time while downloading the patch may be helpful. Also you can reinstall EA Download Manager to ensure you have the latest version by visiting http://www.spore.com/patch

The patches tab in EADM doesn’t show the Spore patch listed.
The patches tab in EADM is not updated to list the Spore patch. This is a known issue and will be resolved in the future. This has no effect on the availability of the patch.

I’m having trouble downloading the Patch, can I download it directly from a website?
The patch is usually available for direct download from third party websites within a few days of being released to the public, this page will be updated soon with direct download links.

General trouble installing the patch
You can try right clicking and Run as Administrator once it has downloaded, even if you are using EA Download Manager. The patch is located in C:\ProgramData\Electronic Arts\EADM\cache\{ Anonymous }
Filename spore_dd_patch_all_v5.exe Right click the patch file and select to Run As Administrator.

Patch Download Process Failed Error
Possible work around as follows:
Go to C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\EADM\ and create a cache folder.
Go into the options in EADM and change the download path to: C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\EADM\cache\
Start the download again to this new location

Unable to open new file
This can be cause by insufficient disk space. You may need to free up as much as 6 GB of space to ensure that the patch can install.

Invalid Patch File
You can try downloading the patch again from a website instead of using EADM to ensure the file is not corrupted. If that fails, the patch does not seem to work if you did not originally install SPORE to the default location. I don’t know of a workaround other than uninstalling and reinstalling to the default location.

An update directory does not exist
This error usually affects Vista users. Please right click and Run As Administrator the patch so that it can install correctly. If you used EADM the patch is located in C:\ProgramData\Electronic Arts\EADM\cache\{ Anonymous }
Filename spore_dd_patch_all_v5.exe

The setup has detected that No version of SPORE is installed.
The patch does not seem to work if you did not originally install SPORE to the default location. I don’t know of a workaround other than uninstalling and reinstalling to the default location.

IMM32.DLL Error
Some users of Windows 2000 have reported receiving an IMM32.dll error when trying to launch Spore after patching. Unfortunately Windows 2000 is not a supported O/S for Spore and it may not work correctly. Please post here if you have Windows XP or Winddows Vista and receive this error.

Login Failure After Patch
First try logging in with the colon format as follows:
email@email.com: userid
myemail@yahoo.com: kaliena
If that doesn’t help try deleting the login.prop file, this will force Spore to have you retype your Spore userid and password, after which you can set it to save that information again.
Go to the Spore directory:
In Windows XP \Documents and Settings\(Username)\Application Data\SPORE\Preferences\
In Vista \Users\(Username)\AppData\Roaming\SPORE\Preferences\
The Application Data directory may be hidden. To display hidden files:
In the menu Tools->Folder Options->View
check “Show Hidden Files and Folders”
Mac: Users\User Name\Library\Preferences\SPORE Preferences\p_drive\User\Application Data\Spore\Preferences\

If you have tried the above fixes and are still unable to install the patch you may need to uninstall Spore and reinstall and then try patching again.
Back up your game data and the My Spore Creations Folder before Uninstalling.
How do I back up saved games?

If you have tried to fix your problem with the above steps and have not had success please post in this thread, including a list of all steps you have already taken to resolve your problem and the exact error message you are receiving.


Posted in Spore Patches | Tagged: , , , | 1 Comment »

Readme Notes for Asymmetry Feature

Posted by ballightning on July 22, 2009

MaxisCactus has posted up readme notes on how to use the asymmetry feature.

Readme Notes for Asymmetry Feature

We’ve added the ability to make your creations asymmetric in the editors! Hold down the “A” key while the mouse is over a limb or detail. The asymmetry icon appears on the cursor to indicate asymmetry is enabled.

Click and drag the part to a new location, it will separate from its normal symmetric partner and be free to move around the creation on its own.

Supported editors

• Creature Editor
• All Creature Outfitters
• All Vehicle Editors
• UFO Editor


• A + Click : Make a part asymmetric
• A + Drag : Move part asymmetrically
• A + Mousewheel : Scale part asymmetrically
• A + Drag from Palette : Create a new asymmetric part
• Control-F : While an asymmetric part is selected, will “flip” that part (for example will turn a left hand into a right hand, and vice versa)


• Once a part is asymmetric, you don’t need to hold down the “A” key for manipulations.
• Once a part is asymmetric, it cannot be converted back to a symmetric part.

Budget Notes

Note that when you drag a part from the palette the money taken from your budget actually buys you two parts instead of one. Therefore if you use asymmetry to sell only *one* of those parts, you won’t get any money back. Only when you sell the final part from the original pair of parts will you get the money back.

Along the same lines, it costs nothing to copy an asymmetric block that has been orphaned in this manner. In order to accomplish this, the editor internally keeps track of links between asymmetric parts.

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Spore Patch 1.05 released – Asymmetry and more!

Posted by ballightning on July 22, 2009

The 5th Patch for Spore, and the first patch to address issues in Galactic Adventures, has been released earlier today. There are many fantastic features in the new patch, including asymmetry, the ability to export to Maya and now you can now place the avatar, NPCs, and handheld objects on top of air, land, and sea vehicles in the GA editor! Information about asymmetry coming up soon. Details below:

Patch 5 Details

You can find the high level notes on the Spore.com site here. This post lists some of the features and fixes in Patch 5 in greater detail.

What’s new with Asymmetry:
Get all the details on the new asymmetry features here!

What’s new with vehicle/creature interactions:
• You can now place the avatar, NPCs, and handheld objects on top of air, land, and sea vehicles in the GA editor
• Creatures will stick to the vehicle, and want to face the original direction they were placed with, while objects will tend to fall off

• For other players to benefit from riding on vehicles, they must install patch 5; in some cases, they may fail the level, or may not be able to complete it without updating
• There is an invisible shell around vehicles, to reduce physical complexity; players should choose their vehicle shapes carefully if they want it to look good when a creature walks on it
• To guarantee an NPC stays put on a vehicle, set their behavior to stay still
• Handheld objects placed on vehicles will stay on for a bit, but will fall off
• Air vehicles are very sensitive to wander mode; set air vehicles to path mode, especially if you want creatures to ride them, or they may be thrown off
• Air vehicles may damage some riding NPCs if they travel very fast; to avoid this, set the vehicle to be on the same team as the NPCs, or set the NPCs to be invincible

More detailed info on fixes & features in Patch 5
Important Note: While several crashes were fixed, as noted below, there may have been more than one root cause for similarly appearing crashes. If you’re still seeing one of the issues below after patch 5, please let us know.
• Fix: Changing the icons of certain adventures causes them to not upload properly.
• Fix: Possible invalid preferences file could be generated by patch4, causing game to not start.
• Fix: If Patch4 is installed to a PC that is Japanese environment, the entered password is not valid and cannot login.
• Fix: Sporecast assets go missing if user quits game in any way while download is in progress.
• Fix for occasional crash: Entering planet view on any planet, especially enemy planet
• Fix for occasional crash: Trying to leave planet view, especially the home planet, especially if there was just an attack and buildings were rebuilt
• Fix for occasional crash: Loading saved game in Space stage
• Fix for occasional crash: Entering solar view from galaxy view on NPC system
• Fix for occasional crash: Galaxy view traveling to a new star by clicking on it
• Fix for occasional crash: Entering planet view on a Wildlife Sanctuary, especially after loading a saved game
• Fix for occasional crash: Game crashes when terraforming using Staff Of Life
• Fix: Entering Creature accessory editor from Tribe stage, Civ Stage, or Space stage could cause a freeze on several machines
• Fix: In Civ stage with tutorials/hints disabled, after cut scene after selecting city hall game freezes
• Fix: Lineages don’t always show correct parent creations
• Fix: Certain sporepedia cards show corrupted backgrounds
• Fix: Unable to reach Grox worlds in some Space stage scenarios
• Fix for occasional crash: Quickly pressing esc. to skip cinematic after avatar dies results in crash
• New: Lineage is displayed for all Asset Types
• Fix: Adventure Creator: In EP1 open gates were not working correctly when they were disguised.
• Fix for occasional crash: The ship versions of the game crash on exit
• Fix for occasional crash: The game crashes on load when the lighting settings are defaulted to medium or 2
• Fix for occasional crash: Unplugging earphones or speakers while in play mode cause spore to crash on some soundcards with Windows Vista.
• Fix for occasional crash: When exiting to the Galaxy game entry without saving Tribe game crashes
• Fix for occasional crash: Crash occurs when leaving planet in Space stage.
• Fix for occasional crash: Crash occurs when zooming into certain rare solar systems once they are ready to be purchased
• Feature: All building and vehicle textures available in building/vehicle/ufo editors without having to use the “paint like” button.
• Cheat is included that permits Creators to export creatures in Collada format for use in Maya. Creators must acknowledge and accept a Tools EULA to perform this operation. An additional cheat has been provided to enable highest quality textures to appear on vehicles, where it is supported by user hardware.
• And more!

Notes on the Collada Export Cheat:
Creatures exported with the new Collada exporter will automatically have diffuse map, normal map, and spec map applied to them when imported into Maya, 1 step!
• In the Creature Editor, with the creature ready switch to Paint Mode, name the creature, if it doesn’t already have one
• Open the cheat window.
• Type: colladaexport
• Accept the EULA
• The file path to the exported creature will appear in the cheat window, ending with .dae

Installing Galactic Adventures after Installing Patch 5
If you have already installed patch 5 to your core game, then install Galactic Adventures, you will need to reinstall patch 5. If you are online and running EADM, your EADM will prompt you to install again. If you no longer have EADM, you can download it here.

Posted in Galactic Adventure, Spore Patches | Tagged: , , , | 7 Comments »

Maxis: What to do before installing the spore patch 1.04

Posted by ballightning on June 24, 2009

Due to the amount of people who are experiencing issues with the new patch, MaxisCactus has posted some recommendations for people to follow before installing the patch.

Please reset your graphic and capture settings to the default settings before installing patch 4. This is a precautionary step to avoid the run time error that some players are experiencing after getting the patch.

Please post here if you do take these steps before installing, but still get the error after you get patch 4.

Important: Starting the game for the first time after installing patch 4 may take considerably longer than usual. Do not quit out during this process, as early termination may be associated with the run time errors some users are experiencing.

If you have already got run time errors when loading your game, please see this thread for a fix:


Posted in Spore Patches | Tagged: , , | 3 Comments »

Hold on with downloading that Patch…

Posted by ballightning on June 23, 2009

Jsinnister, who was someone who got Galactic Adventures early, has said that Galactic Adventures comes with the Spore Patch 1.04, and has had no issues with the fixes in it. Therefore, if you are getting Galactic Adventures, hold off on the patch.

If you plan to buy GA wait until you get it to get the new patch it is bundled in the GA install! Hope this helps! I have seen folks having problems with it. Why not wait? 

Iv’e had GA since friday,problem free , Wait it will be worth it! I Promise! 

Posted in Galactic Adventure, Spore Patches | Tagged: , , , | 10 Comments »

Spore Patch 1.04 Troubleshooting

Posted by ballightning on June 23, 2009

UPDATE 2: Maxis: What to do before installing the spore patch 1.04

UPDATE 1: Hold on with downloading that Patch…

Have you got any problems with the new patch? Well head over to the official forums and see if your problem is listed, if not then just post over there and SporeMasterKaliena will try and get to answer you.

This thread will focus on Patch 1.04 troubleshooting. Please only post about Patch 1.04 here. If you are troubleshooting Patch 1.02 or 1.03 please refer to this thread:http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/9026.page

I have a Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error run time error when trying to launch Spore after installing this patch. What can I do?
Delete or rename your preferences.prop and login.prop files in your Application Data folder, then try launching the game again. Click here to find out how to get to your preferences folder and for more detail http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/31720.page#987420

Bad_Data appearing for new Planets and Star Systems after patching
Please refer to this thread: http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/31841.page#992430

Updating Content Database Screen Appears Frozen
This screen may take several minutes to process depending on your computer. Please do not use ctrl-alt-del to end the Spore game while this process is running, just allow it to run for as long as it may take. This is a one time process and will not happen when you launch Spore the next time if it is allowed to complete.

Read on about more problems.

Posted in Spore News, Spore Patches | Tagged: , , | 10 Comments »

Spore Patch 4 (v 1.04) available now

Posted by ballightning on June 23, 2009

UPDATE 2: Maxis: What to do before installing the spore patch 1.04

UPDATE 1: Hold on with downloading that Patch…

Maxis has a new patch for Spore users, fresh off the presses.  But before you go on and download it, please be warned that SporePrograms has reported that there are quite a few number of people who are getting a runtime error after they install the patch, thus leaving them to re-install their games. Here is the info on the patch:

To get the patch, simply launch Spore. PC players will need to have EADM installed.

If you didn’t install the EADM when you installed Spore, you can download it here. This patch is available for PC. Mac users should check back soon for a patch.

  • Buildings have high quality textures in the game like they do in the Editor, if display settings are on High.
  • Fixes occasional corrupted backgrounds on Sporepedia Cards.
  • Includes ongoing improvements in animation to be more responsive to weapons placed anywhere on a Creature’s body.
  • Increases the number of “charges” of Space Tools Player can purchase in a single transaction.
  • Increases the range and damage for turrets defending against enemy spacecraft
  • Enables Player to reach all Grox worlds
  • Fixes a bug with the Terraform Tutorial Mission not being complete-able for all planet T-Scores by giving four basic tools to change score in any direction.
  • Improves general performance across the entire game
  • Improved searching in Sporepedia
  • Allows download of creations from website directly to game
  • YouTube movies publish as private

Posted in Spore News, Spore Patches | Tagged: , , | 3 Comments »

Spore Patch 1.03 is here, with 24 new parts!

Posted by ballightning on November 14, 2008

UPDATE: Spore Patch #3 is finally here with some bug fixes and 24 new parts! To get this patch just play your Spore game and it should download automatically, however if you didn’t install the EADM when you installed Spore, you can download it here.

Patch Fixes

  • Fix for esc key not bringing up Options in Galaxy Game Entry
  • Fix for creator backgrounds appearing on small sporepedia cards
  • Update to help keep achievements on the server in sync with achievements in the game

This patch is available for both PC and Mac. 

Patch Freebies: 24 Exoskeleton limbs

 Arm Plated  Spiker  Lesser Tubercle  Delta Point
 Sinew Slug  Brawned  Tendonikes  Fleshed
 Deltoid Tuberosity  Humorous Humerus  Khourtier  Holiarm
 Locust Legs  Plated Muscle  Spikependage  Armored Bones
 Bugleg  Grouchyspike  Centilegs  Layered Limb
 Thighboned  Grasshopper  Femur Friday  Proprioceptive Flex




The 3rd Spore Patch (#3) is right around the corner according to an email MaxisCactus sent out to Spore fansites.  Best of all, in the 3rd patch, Maxis will release 24 new parts – 12 arms and 12 legs.  She also sent out 5 new images of creature renders that were created with these legs, as well as parts from the upcoming “Creepy and Cute” Pack. 


Here’s what MaxisCactus has told us:

Hey everyone,

A new Spore patch is just around the corner!

We’ve heard your requests for more parts, and we’ll be releasing 24 new exoskeleton limbs for free in this patch! This includes 12 new arms and 12 new legs to make your creations creep and crawl along.

We’ve rendered out five high res creatures that use these parts in case you’d like to post the news on your sites early:






You’ll also see some other parts here that you may not recognize – we wanted to give you an exclusive peek at some of the new content to be available in the upcoming Creepy & Cute parts pack.

Check back to http://www.spore.com/patch soon to get the patch notes and more details about the free limbs we’ll be offering!


Posted in Cute and Creepy, Spore Patches | Tagged: , , , , | 1 Comment »

Mac Patch 1.02 for Spore is now here

Posted by ballightning on November 4, 2008

The mac version of the second patch for Spore is here, all you need to do is log into your spore game and it will prompt you and ask whether you want to install, if this does not work you can download it using EA’s Download Manager (EADM), which you can download here.


  • Hold down the Control key in Sporepedia to select multiple creations for deleting or banning.
  • Hold down the Shift key in Sporepedia to select a range of creations for deleting or banning.
  • New planet style: Cubes.


  • Fix for game entry screen turning black when banning a creature in a Saved game.
  • Fixed issue with flora card in Sporepedia.
  • Space phase: Fixed graphic issue with water levels not updating properly with terraform tools so that visible water and atmosphere levels will now correspond in the Atmosphere monitor.
  • Fixed problems introduced via atmospheric and drought terraforming tools.
  • Improved gaits for multi-legged creatures.
  •  Improved gaits for creatures with 2 limbs, but without any feet.


  • Space phase: Fixed missing VOX in some animations in Comm Screen.
  • Fixed audio issue with switching mode to 5.1 breaking music and VOX.
  • Fixed audio syncing issue when minimizing and/or maximizing Spore before opening video.
  • Fixed crash with city music player when Save and Load dialogs are present.
  • Fix for audio lag and missing models due background loading slow-down on certain single-processor machine configurations. This fix improved overall stability on this machine configuration.


  • Space phase: Tuned relationship status to update in communication window after completing a mission.
  • Tribe phase: Tuned Normal difficulty mode to make social game easier.


  • Fixed the ESC key to consistently skip the Spore introduction movie.
  • Creators: YouTube video uploads are set to private. Go to YouTube.com and log in. Then go to Account >> My Videos to set them to Public if you want to share your videos with the world.
  • Creators: Fixed limb joints not being selectable behind other limbs.
  • Tribe phase: Fixed crash while harvesting fruit and fish.
  • Space phase: Fixed timing bug using Planet Buster during Grox invasion.
  • Space phase: Fixed destroyed turrets mission.
  • Space phase: Fixed crash when zooming out to full galactic view from the center of the galaxy.
  • Fixed for game entry screen staying zoomed in after deleting a game and entering/exiting Sporepedia.
  • Space phase: Fixed City Hall updating bug. City Hall will now update to correct version if player has chosen a new City Hall during the transition from Civilization phase to Space phase.
  • Space phase: Fixed Vehicles updating bug. Vehicles chosen in the Colony planner will now update without requiring the player to leave and re-enter a planet’s atmosphere.
  • Fixed crash when transitioning from Tribe phase to Civilization phase
  • Discontinued the Bad Baby Achievement.

Posted in Spore News, Spore Patches | Tagged: , | 2 Comments »

Next Patch Coming Soon

Posted by ballightning on October 15, 2008

SporeMasterNu merator on the Spore forum in this thread has said that a new patch for spore will be coming soon, which will include the long awaited multiple screen names. Here is what Spore’s team has said:

We have been listening to the reports of issues on this board and to Customer Support and we will be putting out another patch very, very soon. The patch is of course free and should fix the major issues some players are experiencing. We will release it as soon as it’s been certified by testing. I know that you’ve waiting and we really appreciate your patience. It’s going to be out very soon as soon as it’s been certified.

This patch will be mainly focused on fixing the critical bugs some users are seeing. We’ll post a full list of fixes when the patch is released.

As Lucy said in this thread, http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/2897.pagewe will be releasing the ability to add multiple Screen Names to a Spore Online Account on our website very soon but that new feature will be released outside of this patch once it’s fully tested.

We will continue to look at issues people are seeing and are trying to respond as fast as we can.

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